US Coachways bus drives on the road.

US Coachways Spam Text Settlement Totals $50M

Earlier this month an Illinois federal court approved the US Coachways Spam Text Settlement for $50 million. The lawsuit accused the charter bus company of sending spam text messages in violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). Under the TCPA, spam texts or robocalls that were made without first receiving the consent of the recipient subject the sender to liability of between $500 and $1500 per text or call.

US Coachways allegedly sent hundreds of thousands of spam text advertisements to customers who previously booked trips and to people who had requested a quote, but never even booked a trip with US Coachways. The plaintiff in the spam text lawsuit claimed that he received more than 20 spam text advertisements from US Coachways.

Have you received an unwanted call from US Coachways?

If you have received unwanted text advertisements or uninvited robocalls to your cell phone from US Coachways or any other company, you may have a valid TCPA claim and be entitled to recover damages.

Contact an experienced robocall lawyer at Dimond Kaplan & Rothstein, P.A. today for a free consultation to discuss your rights and potential legal claims.