Login screen of Twitter on an iphone with a laptop in the background.

Twitter Faces Spam Text Class Action

In August 2016, a California appeals court held that Twitter is ultimately responsible for sending hundreds of text message tweets to recycled cell phones in violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). These types of “wrong number” cases are growing in number as cell phone users get assigned recycled phone numbers previously owned by other cell phone users.

The spam text class action lawsuit is one of several against major corporate companies that use robocalls and autodialers to reach consumers with deals and discounts. The TCPA bans cell phone calls or texts made with an automatic telephone dialing system and without the recipient’s consent. Violators can be required to pay up to $1500 per call or text.

Think you might have a claim for the Spam Text Class Action Lawsuit?

If you received a spam text or an unwanted and unapproved spam call or text to your cell phone by Twitter or another company, you may have a valid TCPA claim and be entitled to recover damages.

Contact an experienced robocall lawyer at Dimond Kaplan & Rothstein, P.A. today for a free consultation to discuss your rights and potential legal claims.